Woot! Woot! Thermal polish today. These are always exciting to wear and highly anticipated by myself. Reason for the anticipation is that I only wear thermals when my nails are long. During the nail-growing wait time, the excitement builds and builds and when the time comes I am thinking "finally I get to wear a thermal polish"!
Ophielia's Love:
Hot - clear (can see nail line) with grey tinge and pink glass flecks
Cold - dark smokey purple with pink glass flecks
This polish could benefit from a good base of nude or nude jelly under it, if visible nail line bothers you. Shown in the pictures is two coats with top coat. I should note that the pink glass flecks show up very strongly in real life, but can be barely seen in the photos below.
Hot |
Cold |
Cold |
Now comes the reason why I love wearing thermals - the gradient! This is why long nails are best for thermals. When you are warm but your surroundings are cold, you get a cool gradient at the free hanging edge of the nail. Of course, the longer your nails, the wider the gradient.
Application - Easy, try not to over work because polish will get tacky potentially creating patchiness
Formula - Great! Smooth, self-leveling formula
Pigmentation - Okay, little patchy on first coat but second coat gives full coverage
Shine - None, dries to this rubberized finish (top coat highly recommended)
Prone to - Nothing
Dry time - Average
Wear - Great! Did not get a chip until day 4
Removal - Easy
Staining - None
Originally, I had wanted to get Nostalgia (OLs sister polish without the glass flecks) instead of this guy. But I ended up getting both when KPT had a year end inventory clearance sale. The two are actually quite different in person, versus what is seen on the website. There is nothing bad to be said about this polish. It's a thermal, which means automatic LOVE - end of story.
Have you given thermal polish a try? Which brand is your favorite?